I am a Certified Master Life Coach (Personal/Professional/Happiness/Goal), Certified Master Wellness Life Coach, (Mindfulness/Yoga/Diet & Weight-loss/Health & Nutrition), Certified CBT, Certified REBT Coach, and Certified Self-Care Coach!

I am also a 15 year Certified Personal Trainer (NCSF), Certified in Nutrition, Supplement Expert, and Ordained Minister.

IT’S YOUR JOURNEY and I am excited to partner with you to crush the bad thoughts and work towards achieving balance in your life. This can be done in many ways depending on your needs. I offer many different plans and ad-on options. These include coaching, personal training, specialized meal recipes, nutrition, supplementation, spirituality, and more!

Angie has been an ESL teacher for over 15 years. She has many certifications and is also a native Spanish speaker. If you are ready to learn English or Spanish for your own knowledge or to take an exam, she is ready to teach you! No matter the age or level.

Hi, I’m Kat and helping people is my passion!

“It’s time to become your own inspiration.“ ~Kat

My Approach

IT ALL BEGINS WITH A GOAL! ForeverMe’s philosophy is that there will never be another you in this world, so it is never too late to work towards your goals!

“I use a holistic approach to overcome obstacles, crush irrational thoughts, and stop emotionally beating yourself up so you can take control of your life!”

It is not just about the goal but about learning to enjoy the journey!