Macros vs Micros

Our diets are comprised of two main categories: Mirco-nutrients and Macro-nutrients (Micro and Macro for short). Both are essential but for different reasons. Macro means large and is used to label the Fat, Proteins, and Carbohydrates because they are the types of foods our bodies need large amounts of. Micro means small and is used to describe the things we need in smaller amounts like vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

These two terms seem to get thrown around often but what do they really mean when talking about nutrition and how can we use this knowledge to benefit our nutritional goals? Let’s explore!

We can get our macros (fats, protein, carbs) through food or supplementation. We need each of these nutrients to have a balanced diet. Shifting the servings of each of these categories can have different outcomes. For example, the Keto diet requires more fat and protein and very low carbs. This is good for losing weight quickly but can have adverse effects on your heart. Having a diet with less fat, moderate protein, and higher carbs can lead to mass or fat gain. High protein, moderate healthy fat, and low carb can lead to weight loss but is hard to maintain for most people. So, as you can see there is a lot of play in the balance of Macros.

Micros, on the other hand, are your vitamins and minerals. Do not let the term “micro” trick you. These are very important for your body to function. They are just served in milligrams. Our body requires vitamins and minerals to function properly and when we are low in them, our body can breakdown and function poorly. For example, many people that live in the North are low in vitamin D due to the cold months. This can make them feel very tired and with low energy, so it is usually recommended for them to take a Vitamin D supplement to keep their level up.

So, that is the basic coverage of Macros and Micros. I will cover them both in more detail in a future stay tuned!


Avoiding Bioengineered/gmo foods
